About Boundless Hands Africa

Boundless Hands Africa Initiative for Women and Children (BHA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization championing gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, girl’s education, hum rights and is working toward eliminating Gender based Violence by providing psycho-social support for victims of violence, advocating against child sexual abuse and promoting human right and dignity in sub-Sahara Africa. All our projects are designed to achieve gender equality and women empowerment SDG goal 5, goal 8 and goal 10. We combine a bottom-top as well as top-down approach in advancing and promoting women’s right and gender empowerment through our three key strategy known as (SAP)


We provide all forms of support and rehabilitation to victims of violence and domestic abuse such as temporary shelter, counseling and post-trauma therapy, psycho-social support, assistance with legal redress, empowerment initiatives after recovery and so on. (At the moment we do referrals)


We promote our values and ideals through various advocacy and sensitization exercise aimed at engaging the large society on themes like human right, violence, gender equality, women empowerment.


Policy change in favour of more protective and inclusive agenda forms a core of what we do at BHA. We conduct research that provides empirical evidence for our work which serves as a tool of engagement and advocacy with policy makers. BHA creates a safe and enabling environment for women to thrive through vocational skill based businesses, access to training, employment opportunity and business incubation support.

At Boundless Hands Africa Initiative for Women and Children, we endorse fundamental values of liberty of humanity. We are a force championing freedom of women and children while kicking against any act of oppression. We are driven by the desire to make the voice of the voiceless heard in our generation. We are moved by the high incidence of injustice that is being meted to women and children in our world. As part of the larger value chain tackling development issues in the globe, we believe that by bringing to foresight the plight of women, girls and children and demanding for a world where everyone is free to pursue their goals and lead a better life, we are creating a just, happy and fulfilling world for everyone.


A world where everyone can achieve their potentials without any form of discrimination or violation. 


To protect, empower and equip women and Girl’s from abuse and violence by advocating against all forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV), providing all forms of assistance to victims and empower them with skills, knowledge and tools to succeed, whilst raising a next generation of female leaders.


You can support our work through cash and in-kind donations. To donate cash, kindly contact otitilayo@boundlesshand.org or pay directly to our account. Account detail:

Boundless Hand Africa IFW&C
Guarantee Trust Bank